kids meditation

10 year old Kidevolve kid-tester Ella interviews Jeff Warren!

10 year old Kidevolve kid-tester Ella interviews Jeff Warren!

Ever wondered what it takes to create one of Kidevolve’s super engaging Creative Mind Journey audio tracks or why kids like them so much? Check out our second podcast where 10 year old Ella Davies interviews our lead creator Jeff Warren about his favourite Kidevolve characters and why he thinks learning mindfulness is cool for kids of all ages.

Jeff and Ella find a comfortable groove, chatting and sharing information about why mindfulness is important and how it can help kids learn more about what’s going on inside.

How to Teach Your Kids about Their Inner Critic (

How to Teach Your Kids about Their Inner Critic (

Have you ever heard your child say something like: “I’m not good at this” or “It’s all my fault” or “I shouldn’t have even tried.” Sometimes kids don’t say these things out loud, but they refrain from doing certain activities or speaking up because they’ve decided they’re just not good enough. Help your child make sense of their inner critic, give a name to it, and then take some easy-to-implement steps to combat and reverse downward spiralling, negative self-talk…

15 Mindfulness & Relaxation Apps for Kids with Anxiety (excerpt from Parenting

15 Mindfulness & Relaxation Apps for Kids with Anxiety (excerpt from Parenting

As many of you know, Kidevolve is underway in designing our very own mindfulness app, built especially for kids aged 5-10 from the ground up. We're doing something new and exciting in this burgeoning area... and since we started crafting and refining our unique Creative Mind Journeys - super cool audio tracks for kids that double as guided practices - several other interesting players have entered this space (or added kid's material to adult apps). The good news? More options for kids, parents, mental health specialists and educators. The bad news? Not all of these offerings are created equal. Check out this list of 2018 apps and let us know which ones you like or don't like for the kids in your life and why...  Are they practical? Is carving out a quiet space to actually use them doable for your family? How open have your kids been to these kinds of experiences? If you haven't already, delve in and test drive a few of these... your feedback will help us to bring something truly special to the marketplace that will really hit the mark with young children.

ClassDojo Big Ideas

ClassDojo Big Ideas

We are so excited about ClassDojo and their amazing video series - short, engaging vignettes for young children on amazing topics like empathy, kindness, perseverance and mindfulness! Kids will love the characters and learn all about these important topics in a fun and entertaining way... check it out!

Science Shows Meditation Benefits Children's Brains And Behaviour (Forbes)

Science Shows Meditation Benefits Children's Brains And Behaviour (Forbes)

Kids in social-emotional learning programs that are coupled with mindfulness show greater empathy, perspective-taking, and emotional control. Learn why kid-focused mindfulness training (the kind we spearhead and practice at Kidevolve) can and should be a key ingredient in SEL learning programs at home and at school.