kid's mental health

12 Calming Exercises for Little Ones (Connecticut Children’s Pediatric)

12 Calming Exercises for Little Ones (Connecticut Children’s Pediatric)

Just like adults, it’s easy for kids to get lost in troubling thoughts, and overwhelmed by the physical sensations that accompany stress. Pediatric integrative medicine specialists at Connecticut Children’s Pediatric share 12 simple, highly teachable techniques…

Astronauts know how to handle isolation: Tips from NASA astronauts (

Astronauts know how to handle isolation: Tips from NASA astronauts (

NASA astronauts know a thing or two about isolation, and kids will benefit from understanding how much time, thought and preparation goes into this activity alone. From preparing in advance for new pressures on interpersonal relationships and working to strengthen communication and awareness (especially when school and programs are postponed, placing parents, caregivers and kids in MUCH more regular contact), to the power of staying positive in our newly confined environments (TIP - focus on others and help kids think about a way to have "a higher purpose"), devising robust mental strategies in advance can help lessen anxiety and stress while bolstering self-regulation at every age.

Parents: Staying calm & keeping kids at safe social distance too (CNN)

Parents: Staying calm & keeping kids at safe social distance too (CNN)

With the advent of the coronavirus, and our rapidly changing responding world, many parents are wondering about playdates, programs and neighbourhood play, especially for kids (many now cooped up at home & off school for weeks), while we all do our part to “flatten the curve”. Shall our kids be engaged in close physical play with neighbours and friends right now? What kids of playdates and activities should be restricted? And how do we make sure kids can get outdoors (and be social and physical - very important) without contradicting the work adults are doing as we stay home from work to self-isolate, suspend businesses, cancel events and kid’s programs?

California's first surgeon general on the importance of reducing stress hormones in kids (NBC News)

California's first surgeon general on the importance of reducing stress hormones in kids (NBC News)

California’s first surgeon general, Burke Harris, wants to solve problems at the root level and give kids the tools they need to combat stress. We know that kids are under more and more pressure - from hearing incessant coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, to higher expectations at school and at home, rampant social media stress, and dealing with family changes (like divorce or parental separation), there can be a pressure-cooker feeling - leading to biochemical changes in the brain and body, a surge in stress hormones, disrupted memory recall, focus and impulse control and increased risk of developing mental illness. In her congressional testimony, she cites a San Fransisco pilot program where students learn meditation to reduce stress. "What research tells us is that sleep, exercise, nutrition, mindfulness and a nurturing environment can reduce stress hormones and enhance the ability of the brain to recover from stress," Harris says.

Re-meet Jeff Warren - One of Kidevolve's magical creators!

Re-meet Jeff Warren - One of Kidevolve's magical creators!

One of the reasons kids dig our Creative Mind Journeys is that our creators come from all walks of life and bring their own passions, interests and styles to delivering life stories that double as guided practices. We want kids to have variety, spice, fun and creative freedom as they learn key self-regulation techniques. Point in case? Jeff Warren. Go to Kidevolve’s Imaginarium Podcast on Apple to check out three awesome CMJs created by Jeff - Can of Delight, Space Suit and Calmland!

Meet Marni Levitt - One of the reasons Kidevolve's Imaginarium Podcast speaks to kids

Meet Marni Levitt - One of the reasons Kidevolve's Imaginarium Podcast speaks to kids

In June, we launched our Imaginarium podcast - live on Apple Podcasts - getting unique mindfulness audio tracks out to kids in a way that resonates and has them asking for more. We now have over 9000 listeners across the globe! We want kids to have variety, spice, fun and creative freedom as they learn key EQ techniques, so our creators bring their own passions, interests and styles to delivering life stories that double as guided practices. Meet Marni Levitt - she’s an uber-talented, singer-songwriter, teacher, trainer and meditation facilitator who truly connects with kids. Go to Kidevolve’s Imaginarium Podcast on Apple to check out Marni’s 3 awesome CMJs - Switch to the Inside, Light Up your Day, and Magical Gratitude Wand!

An Astronaut's Guide to Optimism - Share with The Kids in Your Life!

An Astronaut's Guide to Optimism - Share with The Kids in Your Life!

At Kidevolve, we want kids to feel good inside everyday. As pressures and stresses abound at school, home, (and the endless, negative news cycle), it’s truly important to give kids real and uplifting data about the world we live in… so they can reflect on (and take in) all the positive things happening around us. Chris Hadfield is a superstar for positivity and focusing on what humankind does well. Show your kids this video and let it inspire the kinds of conversations for 2020 that build resilience, stamina, joy and compassion for others!

The Numbers Don't Lie - Kidevolve's Imaginarium is Reaching Kids Globally!

The Numbers Don't Lie - Kidevolve's Imaginarium is Reaching Kids Globally!

Last June we launched our first Apple Podcast - Kidevolve’s Imaginarium - to warm, enthusiastic reviews! Along with Apple, we’ve also been picked up by: Castbox, Listen Notes, Podtail, TuneIn, Chartable, Poddtoppen, PodParadise, and iVOOX… just to name a few. We’re so excited about the momentum here, and in this post we share some engagement stats that we hope will get you even more motivated to listen in, share, care and subscribe.

3 Kid-Friendly Meditations Your Children Will Love (The Chopra Center)

3 Kid-Friendly Meditations Your Children Will Love (The Chopra Center)

Giving kids the tools to help them fend off negative thoughts and behaviors, build self-confidence, focus, and treat others and themselves with respect and appreciation is a gift they will have for the rest of their lives. Yet, less than 2% of kids in North America know how to meditate. Don’t know how to dive in? Try out these 3 simple practices to introduce kids to meditation and mindfulness… and don’t forget to check out what’s new in Kidevolve’s Imaginarium Podcast- first-of-their-kind audio tracks that get kids turned on to mindfulness in a totally novel, easy, super-fun way.