Jeff Warren

Re-meet Jeff Warren - One of Kidevolve's magical creators!

Re-meet Jeff Warren - One of Kidevolve's magical creators!

One of the reasons kids dig our Creative Mind Journeys is that our creators come from all walks of life and bring their own passions, interests and styles to delivering life stories that double as guided practices. We want kids to have variety, spice, fun and creative freedom as they learn key self-regulation techniques. Point in case? Jeff Warren. Go to Kidevolve’s Imaginarium Podcast on Apple to check out three awesome CMJs created by Jeff - Can of Delight, Space Suit and Calmland!

Kidevolve Imaginarium Podcast launches on Apple!

Kidevolve Imaginarium Podcast launches on Apple!

We’re so excited to announce (drum roll)… that our Creative Mind Journeys are finally live on Apple Podcasts! Thank you to all of our wonderful supporters, creative talent, business advisors and volunteers! Because of you, we’ve produced an incredible offering of free, first-of-their-kind audio tracks to get kids turned on to mindfulness in a totally novel way. We began this journey with love and a mighty vision, and we’ve received this back tenfold. Special shoutout to Jeff Warren - whose incredible spirit, creativity, meditative wizardry and extreme generosity has allowed us to hone our style and expand our blueprint with tons of integrity. Much gratitude also goes out to Hope, Sophia, Jason, Amy, Christine, Marni, Alex, Nick, Kathleen, Sonja, Ella, Connor and Michael - all early champions and essential contributors to where we are today.

So…. to get started, go to the Kidevolve Imaginarium Podcast in Apple Podcasts and click on Subscribe. Then, grab some kids aged 6-12 (preferably ones you know) and have a listen to our latest selection of tracks - now re-organized into courses to address key EQ learning areas like Self-Control, Sleep, Resilience and Empathy!

10 year old Kidevolve kid-tester Connor interviews mindfulness creator Jeff Warren!

10 year old Kidevolve kid-tester Connor interviews mindfulness creator Jeff Warren!

Ever wondered what it takes to create one of Kidevolve’s fantastically engaging Creative Mind Journeys? 10 year old Connor Chase interviews our lead creator Jeff Warren about his creative process, his favourite CMJ characters, why he thinks learning mindfulness is super helpful for kids of all ages, and generally, what makes him tick. Jeff gives Connor a run for his money and does not let him dominate the interview - some tall order! - skillfully flipping the energy around so that Connor must also share what makes learning mindfulness in Kidevolve’s unique format so special to him. Connor obliges while also managing to keep free-spirited Jeff right on schedule. What results in an enjoyable exchange between two perceptive, nimble friends: the interviewee - a grownup who has never lost touch with his awesome inner kid, and the interviewer - a kid who has always operated as an inner grownup.

Jeff Warren, Kidevolve & Zany, Zesty Kid's Mindfulness on the Mindful Mama Podcast!

Jeff Warren, Kidevolve & Zany, Zesty Kid's Mindfulness on the Mindful Mama Podcast!

Jeff Warren was recently featured on Hunter Clarke-Field's tremendously popular Mindful Mama Podcast, where he talks all about how much fun he has channeling and developing Kidevolve's Creative Mind Journey™ audio tracks for 6-12 year olds - first-of-their kind audio stories that mix music, sound fx, incredible voice talent and pure whimsy to deliver highly imaginative tales that double as smart guided practices. Check it out...