
California's first surgeon general on the importance of reducing stress hormones in kids (NBC News)

California's first surgeon general on the importance of reducing stress hormones in kids (NBC News)

California’s first surgeon general, Burke Harris, wants to solve problems at the root level and give kids the tools they need to combat stress. We know that kids are under more and more pressure - from hearing incessant coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, to higher expectations at school and at home, rampant social media stress, and dealing with family changes (like divorce or parental separation), there can be a pressure-cooker feeling - leading to biochemical changes in the brain and body, a surge in stress hormones, disrupted memory recall, focus and impulse control and increased risk of developing mental illness. In her congressional testimony, she cites a San Fransisco pilot program where students learn meditation to reduce stress. "What research tells us is that sleep, exercise, nutrition, mindfulness and a nurturing environment can reduce stress hormones and enhance the ability of the brain to recover from stress," Harris says.

How to Raise Successful People (Time)

How to Raise Successful People (Time)

Esther Wojcicki is the author of How to Raise Successful People: Simple Lessons for Radical Results. She comes at child-rearing from a practical and thought-provoking perspective, arguing that many of us have gone too far on keeping our kids safe, removing obstacles and scheduling their time - to their detriment… instead of empowering them to make choices, fail, figure it out. We particularly love her acronym “TRICK” (Trust, respect, Independence, Collaboration, Kindness).

10 year old Kidevolve kid-tester Ella interviews Jeff Warren!

10 year old Kidevolve kid-tester Ella interviews Jeff Warren!

Ever wondered what it takes to create one of Kidevolve’s super engaging Creative Mind Journey audio tracks or why kids like them so much? Check out our second podcast where 10 year old Ella Davies interviews our lead creator Jeff Warren about his favourite Kidevolve characters and why he thinks learning mindfulness is cool for kids of all ages.

Jeff and Ella find a comfortable groove, chatting and sharing information about why mindfulness is important and how it can help kids learn more about what’s going on inside.

Mindfulness for Children - Well Guide for Infants (part 1 of 2, from The New York Times)

Mindfulness for Children - Well Guide for Infants (part 1 of 2, from The New York Times)

The New York Times has recently released a series of Well Guides describing how children of all ages can benefit from mindfulness - the simple practice of bringing a gentle, accepting attitude to the present moment. In this installment we look at impacts on infants. In our next installment, we'll continue on with how mindfulness training can impact Toddlers, Young Children, Older Children and Teens...

Science Shows Meditation Benefits Children's Brains And Behaviour (Forbes)

Science Shows Meditation Benefits Children's Brains And Behaviour (Forbes)

Kids in social-emotional learning programs that are coupled with mindfulness show greater empathy, perspective-taking, and emotional control. Learn why kid-focused mindfulness training (the kind we spearhead and practice at Kidevolve) can and should be a key ingredient in SEL learning programs at home and at school.