
Yes, you should talk to your kids about Ukraine. Psychologists explain how (CNN & verywellmind)

Yes, you should talk to your kids about Ukraine. Psychologists explain how (CNN & verywellmind)

With the many weeks of war in Ukraine following Russia's invasion, kids may see disturbing images and videos on TV and social media or hear about the possibility of World War III. “It’s a brand-new thing that today’s parents have never had to really explain to their kids in terms of a war that is so in their face”. With so many images of violence and so few answers, your kids likely are aware of the fighting even if it's far away - and they can be terrified or at the very least, extremely worried or troubled. As you engage in conversation about Ukraine, consider the following.

How to help kids cope with pandemic's psychological toll (USA Today)

How to help kids cope with pandemic's psychological toll (USA Today)

As the pandemic stretches out long and wide, kids across the board are feeling the same stressors as adults - yet many don’t have the life experience to feel confident they can get through it or the proper instruction for proven coping techniques (like mindfulness!). The endless ‘doom cycle’ on the news only exacerbates this situation, while kids wait for school life and extracurriculars to kick back in (providing needed relief from being at home with harried, worried family members). Adults can help, by staying aware and being proactive with interventions, open communication and consistently modelling healthy behaviours and strategies.

How to raise emotionally intelligent kids (TED)

How to raise emotionally intelligent kids (TED)

Children can’t be what they can’t see. How do we expect them to have empathy and compassion for other people if we don’t show them how? How can we expect them to treat others with kindness and respect if they don’t know what that feels like in their own bodies?

5 Tips for Cultivating Empathy (Harvard)

5 Tips for Cultivating Empathy (Harvard)

Empathy is at the heart of what it means to be human. It’s a foundation for acting ethically, for good relationships of many kinds, for loving well, and for professional success. And it’s key to preventing bullying and many other forms of cruelty. How can parents cultivate empathy? The following are five guideposts based on research and the wisdom of practitioners.

Back-to-School Anxiety During COVID (Child Mind Institute)

Back-to-School Anxiety During COVID (Child Mind Institute)

Getting back to the Fall school routine is exhilarating, yet can also be anxiety-producing for kids and families alike - especially given our last few years dealing with the many pandemic changes. Check out these tips from the Child Mind Institute to reduce stress at home, and gear up for success. Adding a sprinkle of mindfulness to your daily routine can also be a powerful antidote to stress. Check out Kidevolve’s Can of Delight or Worry Box (by Jeff Warren) to boost confidence and cope with worries, or Heart Medicine (by Christine Alevizakis) to get a head start on self-care! And you can listen to audio-only versions of these cool Creative Mind Journeys here.

12 Calming Exercises for Little Ones (Connecticut Children’s Pediatric)

12 Calming Exercises for Little Ones (Connecticut Children’s Pediatric)

Just like adults, it’s easy for kids to get lost in troubling thoughts, and overwhelmed by the physical sensations that accompany stress. Pediatric integrative medicine specialists at Connecticut Children’s Pediatric share 12 simple, highly teachable techniques…