
Back-to-School Anxiety During COVID (Child Mind Institute)

Back-to-School Anxiety During COVID (Child Mind Institute)

Getting back to the Fall school routine is exhilarating, yet can also be anxiety-producing for kids and families alike - especially given our last few years dealing with the many pandemic changes. Check out these tips from the Child Mind Institute to reduce stress at home, and gear up for success. Adding a sprinkle of mindfulness to your daily routine can also be a powerful antidote to stress. Check out Kidevolve’s Can of Delight or Worry Box (by Jeff Warren) to boost confidence and cope with worries, or Heart Medicine (by Christine Alevizakis) to get a head start on self-care! And you can listen to audio-only versions of these cool Creative Mind Journeys here.

Wednesday Kid's Mindfulness Nightime Salve - Take a Trip to Calmland!

Wednesday Kid's Mindfulness Nightime Salve - Take a Trip to Calmland!

Sometimes getting to sleep can be a real challenge, and when kids rail against bedtime, parents can feel overwhelmed. During this unique global time, anxiety is running high and many families are finding bedtime to be an extra challenge. Now there’s relief, and it comes in the form of a magical elevator… all the way to Calmland, where kids can drift off to sleep after settling into each progressive calming level.