Friday Kid's Mindfulness Challenge - Get some 'Outer' Space from Worries!

As kids continue to endure living through a global pandemic and all that this changes in their lives, as well as new, up-close awareness of familial stressors (and the financial upheaval the world is facing), coping with a near constant level of mounting anxiety is becoming a pressing and urgent issue for families.

Enter ‘Space Suit’. Designed for kids aged 6-12.

This journey helps build: the ability to cope, and create space around worries and extreme anxieties.

Do you ever get so worried about stuff that you became a freakout-worry-freakazoid? I know I do. When this happens, one cool trick is to use our imaginations and climb into a big puffy space suit and then float up to the ceiling and into the sky. When we get space like this, our worries get less strong. We can see how everyone else also has worries and feels different emotions. Our worries become a way for us to feel more connected to people, and that feels really nice. When this happens, our worries may actually begin to shrink. We feel more room inside and can open our arms W-I-D-E, W-I-D-E, W-I-D-E! Try it out!

As creator and leading mindfulness expert Jeff Warren notes during this dreamy Creative Mind Journey:

When the habit of worrying gets stuck, it’s no longer helpful. It can make us feel bad and prevent us from doing stuff that might actually be good for us or fun. That’s when we need to DO something. We need to learn to get SPACE around our worries… so they can go away. We’re going to use our imaginations to first find our worries, and then to get some space around them - so much space, that we end up IN SPACE… way up above the earth…


We invite you to clear some quiet space (free from distractions/headphones ideal), and line up this remarkable audio journey up for Friday’s home-school curriculum. You’ll help kids locate their worries, and then dilute their intensity by learning how to take on new perspective, while also recognizing that they are not alone with these feelings.

Rinse & Repeat - Check out what kids know and retain after only ONE listening exposure, and then have them teach their new anxiety-busting skills to you! There’s no better way to entrench new learning than to teach it to someone else. We encourage you to actively listen in with them, setting a new , calmer tone for your family, virtual classroom or wellness program.